Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three Thought Thursday: Episode 43

1. This has been a good week, thus far. Don't know why, just has been. Positive attitude makes a difference, I suppose. I've spent the past few days frantically trying to get the boys' Halloween costumes ready. In a matter of two days I've made three costumes. Yes, I still have just two kids. And no dog either. You see, I planned on Rudy being a cute little clown. And spent a whole nap time creating an adorable clown costume out of the most annoying fabric in the world to sew with: satin. If you haven't tried sewing with it, don't. What a pain! Never again. (of course you know that's probably a lie...) But near the end of constructing the suit, I started to realize that it was way too big. Since they were both asleep, I couldn't tell for sure, but as soon as they awoke I realized that not only was it too big for Rudy, it was too big for Kolbe too. Apparently the size two is for a four-year-old. With patterns, it's usually the opposite. I'm typically a size six and in patterns I wear like a 14 or something. It's weird. Guess the same sizing doesn't hold true for babies. So I abandoned the clown suit...and considering the fabric, my arm didn't have to be twisted very hard. Maybe I'll return to it next year if the boys have grown a bit. Desperate to pull something together quickly, I pulled out some felt that I had on hand and opted for a candy corn suit for Rudy. Seriously, it took about 20 minutes to make. I think it's adorable. Mark think it looks like a dress. We'll both be lucky to keep the hat on Rudy's head for more than five minutes. So all of that was on Tuesday. Yesterday was much more successful. Time to make Kolbe's Maximillian Kolbe costume. Mark and I decided some time before Kolbe was born that one year for Halloween we'd dress him as his patron saint. Figuring we better do it before he has the mind to tell us he'd much rather be Superman, we decided to go for it this year. And the sentimental side of me couldn't help but relate back to my own childhood. I was a nun for Halloween the year I was two. Crazy Catholics. Let's just say that Kolb's outfit came out exactly how I pictured it in my mind. Priceless! Hopefully I'll have pics of both of them up this weekend.

2. Mark and I got a much needed date night this past weekend. Determined to not do what we normal do on a date night...which is dinner and a movie...we decided have our friends Ben and Erin come along and convinced ourselves to go to a new place on 82nd called The Funky Door. Shortly after arriving (like as soon as we walked in), we realized that we were fish out of water in this place. 'Swanky wine bar' would be a good explanation. We stayed and split between the four of us a nice bottle of wine and a yummy gouda cheese fondue with croutons and chicken. The atmosphere was, indeed, cool and sophisticated, and I'd totally go back. Just a little more prepared. And possibly with someone else footing the bill! After we transferred somewhere a little less up-scale (you know, where less cultured folk like us fit in) and headed to Fox and Hound where my brother is the doorman. There we pigged out on more typical fare: chicken strips, fries, and nachos. Mark then got his anticipated phone call from his co-worker, Sixtus, who had previously been at a wedding, and we headed to our final destination, a new bar called Nick's. This was my first chance to meet Sixtus and his wife though I hear about him day in and day out. He's the PA that Mark works with and is from Cameroon. The six of us spend a couple of hours just chatting and listing to Sixtus's fascinating stories. One thing that made the night unique was that neither of the two other couples with us has children and therefore, we didn't spend the entire night talking about the kids. A la our typical date night. And while I love my children dearly and talk about them all the time, I must admit that it was a breath of fresh air to just have normal adult conversation. With adults! Now if we could just arrange for that to happen, say once a month, we'd be set.

3. I think I've created a monster. And his name is Kolbe.
This kid is saying the craziest things! And the scary part is, they all seem to be direct reflections of me. Like he's a parrot. For example:
Kolbe: Mama, read me this book.
Me: Excuse me?
Kolbe: Please.
Me: Ok, just a second. Let me finish tying RuRu's shoes.
Kolbe: Mammmmmma! Listen to me. Listen to my words. I. want. you. to. read. me. this. book!

See!?! A monster! Or this:
Me: Kolb, eat those meatballs.
Kolbe: What this is? I not like meatballs.
Me: Well, they're not meatballs. They're called Buzz Lightyear bites.
Kolbe: Buzz Lightyear bites? I like Buzz Lightyear bites.
(proceeds to eat the entire rest of his meal...quickly)
Kolbe: RuRu, oooo needs to eat urs Buzz Lightyear bites. They good for oooo. And taste mmm mmmm.

Scary to think he's that easily influence by me. Lord, I hope I'm doing right by him.

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