Thursday, March 15, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 11

1. Spring break is in full swing here! It's funny, because as a college student, it was a week I anticipated for months and months. Now, it just kind of happens upon us and is a welcomed break. Since these kiddies aren't  in school yet, every week is the same. But luckily, spring break still manages to bring people we love to us! My brother Dave came down Monday night and stayed until yesterday morning, so we got to spend a good chunk of time with him on Tuesday. The boys love their Uncle Dave. And then last night Andy, Abby, John, and Baby Will all arrived in town and are staying until tomorrow. We finally got to meet our itty bitty new nephew and he's precious! Of course, his big brother and parents aren't so bad either! I love weeks like this where we have a break from our norm and get to be with people we love. Even though it's far more busy than our typical week, it's somehow refreshing.

2. Part of Andy and Abby's reason for coming down was for Andy ("our attorney") to perform a will execution ceremony for both my mom and dad as well as Mark and me. Yes, Mark and I broke down and got a will. It still seems pretty funny to me, considering we don't have much to "leave behind." Andy says that we're worth more dead than alive, though. And I suppose the most important things that we have to leave behind are our three precious boys, and we just wanted to make sure that in the case of the unthinkable, everything would run smoothly for them. It's one of those "Why are we doing this?" type things, that when further pondered just makes a lot of sense for peace of mind. That, and it makes us feel all grown up. Ha! Now I can officially say, "Kid, don't make me write you out of my will!!!"

3. Though Rudy has had a pretty good imagination for quite a while, Kolbe is just now finally starting to enjoy "pretending." One of their favorite new activities is called "Santa Claus." Not only is it fun for them, but it's one of the most precious, endearing things for Mark and me as well. At night, before bed, the boys insist on Mark and me pretending to go to sleep in their beds. (after leaving our play-food cookies by the door) Then, they take their pillow cases off of their pillows and head out to the play room to load them up. Next, they bring their packed bags to the entry of their bedroom and carefully take things out one at a time. My favorite part is when they oh-so-quietly tiptoe into the room with each item, stand in the middle of the room, look back and forth between Mark and me as if to decided who should get the gift. Like they are actually putting real thought in to it! And then they pile the gifts high on the end of our beds. And scramble as fast as possible if either one of us "snores." It's so adorable! We let it go on for a good twenty minutes or so, and then of course we have to wake up to "the best Christmas ever!!!" They jump up and down in giddy excitement watching our excitement as we discover what St. Nick left for us. Really, it's such a small thing that will probably die in popularity in the weeks to come, but I know will stay with me forever. They are so precious and their joy is so tangible.

Somebody crashed with Dada on the couch

We finally broke down and took Rudy's birthday giftcards to Toys-r-Us and invested in new bikes! These two love to ride bikes at Pa's, but now they can ride bikes with Mama and Dada too. (mainly, I'm aiming for a mode of transportation to get us to the neighborhood pool once it opens!)

We took the new bikes down to the waterway with Dave on Tuesday and Pa brought along some bread to feed the ducks. We didn't end up seeing many ducks, but the fish sure were happy to get a snack!

Cousins at our family's favorite Mexican restaurant...Los Cucos! Poor little Will doesn't know what he's getting himself in to! And we sure wish Jackson and Kennedy were here too!
We've got a gate set up at our house, so Grant hasn't had any practice with stair climbing at home, but at 8 months, he sure did manage to make it to the top of Pinkie and Pa's stairs in under a minute. He is all. over. the place!

Two brothers getting ready for St. Patrick's Day with shirts that G-ma sent!

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