Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rudy Turns THREE!

I know I say this for every. single. birthday....but really, it's hard to believe that my little tenderheart is now three! Or "free," as he likes to say. Reagan Mark turned three on February 10th and we had such a fun day celebrating. We began hyping up the birthday a week or so prior, which ended up not being the best idea. He doesn't quite get the concept of "next week" or "on Friday." Every few hours it was "Mama, I want my birthday to start. Right. Now!" When the day finally arrived, I surprised him with balloons when he woke up, a trip to the donut store for breakfast, and even let him help make his race car birthday cake. After nap, he pitched in making homemade pizzas that we shared with Pinkie when she arrived to help celebrate. (Pa was out of town visiting Pat in Vegas and that's the only family we have in town...at this point...soon to change, Lord willing! Hint, hint: Andy, Abby, Pat, Dave) After blowing out his candles, he tore in to all the birthday goodies he received and had a blast finding out what was under all the wrapping paper. We spent the rest of the night trying out his new toys and trying to control the mess! Happy Birthday, Rudy! You sure are a joy!

The birthday boy with his race car cake!

Happy Birthday to you...

No celebration is complete without his other half

Trying on his new fishing shirt that Dada got him...needless to say, he's got a lot of growing room!

Checking out all the goodies in his little boy tackle box

G-ma sent him some new shoes...he had to show us how fast he could run with them.

Dinosaurs from Kolbe...Raaaaah!

Drawing with Kolbe on his new easel that Pinkie and Pa got him

Happy Birthday, Ru!

And just for fun, isn't it amazing how much they change over a year!?! Here's our little Reagan turning two on what seems like yesterday.

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