Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Fun 2010: Part 3

One evening while Kolb and I were busy, Mark took Rudy on a little walk and came home with a surprise: a turtle. The little boys were so thrilled and fascinated! Our house is just one street up from a local playa lake so we could have easily assumed that he lost his way from the lake and made it to our street. But a few days prior I had received a notice on our door from one of the neighborhood kids saying that they had lost their pet turtle and to call them if we found it. I scrounged up the notice and gave the number a call. A few minutes later the neighbor and her mother came over to get the turtle. I was in the shower at the time, but came out to discover that we still had the turtle. Apparently this was not her turtle, and while she volunteered to take the turtle and care for it, Mark told her that we'd let her know if we decided not to keep it. I'm not sure where in his right mind he came up with the idea that I'd be interested in investing in and learning how to care for a turtle, but he was sadly mistaken. The little guys and I marched right on over to the neighbor's and presented them with their new replacement pet. Mark claims I gave away Kolb and Rudy's first pet, but let's get real; I'd be the only one taking care of the thing, and if I'm going to take on a pet, it ain't gonna be a dang turtle! Kolb to this day will say, "Mama, neighborshouse have me's tugle?" I'm pretty sure he thinks our neighbor is named "neighborshouse."

Sorry the pics are kinda blurry...fingerprints from a grubby little paw.

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