Thursday, May 31, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 22

1. I've made it a bit of a bad habit to come sliding in to home plate just as the ball reaches the catcher's mitt these past few weeks. In other words, I've known what I've wanted to write about in my weekly blog post, chatted it out in my mind, and just haven't had the time to sit down and type it all out until it's nearly no longer Thursday. And here I am again this week. But here, nonetheless. Anyhow, I really did want to wait until tonight to write this week because I was anticipating the arrival of my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece. They're only in town tonight and tomorrow, but since they live in Mountain Home, Idaho, we pretty much never get to see them so it's a real treat. We had a lot of fun with them tonight over sandwiches at Potbelly and then strolling around The Woodlands Market Street. Man, I wish they lived closer! The boys were having a ball with Jackson (who is every bit as tall as Rudy and is more than a full year younger!) and all of us were oodling over Miss Kennedy...our only girl! I'm pretty sure that I'm somewhat of a grandma even though I'm still in the baby phase of parenting. I love loving on my niece and nephews and don't feel the least bit bothered when they are out of line or disruptive or doing any sort of "wrong." There's just something about being able to love on a little one without having to parent or feel responsible for their behavior. Does that sound ridiculous!?! Who cares if it does. I spend nearly all day, every day doing the full deal with my three little monkeys. It's a joy just to get to do the fun part with the other little ones. And I guess it isn't so bad having to see their mom and dad either!

2. Wow! I had lots of positive comments, emails, and texts about the "money jars" that I wrote about last week. Wish I could take all the credit, but as I mentioned, it was just an idea from my own childhood that I've tweaked to be age appropriate for our guys. We're still going strong after two full weeks and the boys seem to have really bought into it.  I will mention a couple of things....for one, I think the money jar is great for kids roughly three and older. They have to understand what money is and why one would want it. The boys have really just started to catch on to the fact that in order for us to take something home from the store, we have to give the store money in exchange. It's been a hoot to explain debit and credit cards too! I'm pretty sure Kolbe's mind was blown when I told him that we give our money to the bank and then the bank gives it to the store. Craziness, I tell you. But back to the money jars. Another thing that we're trying to build on with it as both a discipline process as well as a life lesson-type thing is the whole payout process. It doesn't mean anything to them unless they see actual results. So determining some finite amount is important. And I think there are lots of ways to go with it. For example, once you reach fifty coins, you get to go pick out a prize at the store. Or more direct: fifty coins equals $5. Earn fifty coins, get a $5 payout, and head to the store. Having an at-home store would work too. Like trade in twenty coins to stay up and extra twenty minutes with Mom and Dad. We've also started working on "Well, you'll have to save some of your coins to get a little birthday present for Grant." Or "Don't forget...we're going to set aside a few coins each to put in the offering at mass on Sunday." Like I said, there's lots and lots of ways to go with this whole idea that can grow and develop as the kids get older. And thanks so much for y'all's encouragement! I'd love to hear about it if any of you give it a try or have success stories.

3. Three Thought Thursday's Three Random Tidbits:
- I had that dental work done that I mentioned last week. Brutal. Someone forgot to remind me that fillings involve shots in the gums. And spending hours with those massive brackets that hold your jaw open. I immediately went to the store and stocked up on a plethora of dental products. Never. Again.
- Kolbe: Mom, guys are supposed to have hairy arms, not girls.
  Me: Yep.
  Kolbe: So why are your arms so hairy?
  Me: I don't know. I guess that's just the way God made me.
  Kolbe: You should cut that all off so you don't look like a guy.
  Me: Well maybe I should but then it would just grow back.
  Kolbe: Well you could shave it when you take a shower like your legs.
  Me: But I don't even like having to shave my legs.
  Kolbe: Yeah, but you have to. Or people will think it's gross. So you should shave your arms too. 'Cause they'll also think that's gross.
  Me: Thanks, son. Leave me alone. (Thanks for the self esteem booster!)
- The countdown is on. We've down to not months, but days until my baby is one. Am I the only one that feels sick in the stomach over this? My parents gave me a Mother's Day card that said something like "the days are long but the years are so short." That couldn't be more true. I really was pregnant with Grant last week, watched him roll over for the first time on Monday, and cheered as he learned how to clap yesterday. It went by way too fast and I'm kind of feeling like I just wish it would stop and replay over and over. He has been the best little baby.

After early baths one night, Mark took the boys out to hit practice golf balls. They love it.

It's hard to tell but he's balancing on a narrow little slanted ledge. He's getting pretty brave, this one.

11 months

Kolbe and Jackson...I think Kolbe was teaching Jackson a few of his shenanigans!

Market Street has live music on Thursday nights in the summer...I wish we could have stayed to listen to this band longer! Yes, that guy in the middle is playing a set of spoons on his washboard. Reminded me SO much of my years in Mississippi!

Jackson loves Pa! He kept asking for a kiss across the table at Potbelly. So cute!

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