Thursday, January 26, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 4

1. Yesterday we took Kolbe to his annual Shriner's appointment. It's a day each year that I both love and loathe. Love because it's so neat to see how far he's come. So special to meet other families who are going down roads we've already travelled. So wonderful to realize how much we've been blessed by their program. But tough in that Kolbe is really starting to realize that there's something different about him. This year was the first year where he actually expressed a disinterest in going to the appointment. He's always compliant, he just well aware that he's having to go to the doctor because he was born differently. He's starting to think that his "special smile" isn't so special. My heart already aches for the first time someone will make fun of him because of it. Something that we see as so beautiful and unique will be cause for poking fun by some mean-spirited kid. I realize that I can't protect him from this forever and that God will use those moments and incidents to shape his character and teach him compassion. But it's still not easy. In the beginning it was toughest on Mark and me as he really didn't know what was going on. Now he does. And thus begins the tough-on-all-of-us stage.

2. Last Friday my mom and I finally made our long-awaited trip down to Ikea. It's really only about a forty minute drive from our house, so I'm surprised we haven't gone sooner. It's always been discussed, just never carried out. Prior to our trip, my mom had never been to an Ikea before. Needless to say, she found it be just as overwhelming as I did during my first visit. It was nice to just have Grant with us so we could take all the time in the world to peruse the rooms and rooms full of furniture, storage supplies, kitchen accessories and more. Really, a $10,000 shopping spree would be plenty. We left with tired feet, parched lips, lists and lists of things-I'd-love-to-get (at least for me!), and a few odds and ends that we just couldn't leave without. It was a fun day with Mom! And hopefully next time we go back I'll actually be able to make some of the larger purchases I spied out on this visit.

3. I'm an aunt again! My sweet little nephew, William Mark was born early Tuesday morning to very unexpecting parents, Abby and Andy. Will was not due to be born until February 24th so he was officially a month early. And for no rhyme or reason. Abby went in to labor and it never stopped so Will joined our world and our very excited family. Though he was doing well to begin with, things unfortunately have been quite a struggle over the past few days. He was first place in the NICU  for precautionary measures but has since digressed to the point of being put on a ventilator to help him breathe, so all prayers will be greatly, greatly appreciated. I know his parents (and grandparents, and aunts and uncles, and...) will be so thankful! We trust in the Lord's providence for his care and have faith that he'll be rolling around with his big brother, John, in no time at all. God has been so good to our family. Baby Will is just another example of how beautiful and precious life truly is. Welcome to the world, little guy!

When Grant was born, he too was put in the NICU for breathing problems that the doctors referred to as "grunting". With his name being Grant, we naturally started calling him "grunt." Some how, that became Grindel from Beowulf. (Don't ask me..) It's certainly not his full-time nickname like how Reagan has "Rudy," but I couldn't pass up taking a pic when we passed a little door hanger at Ikea called "Grundtal." Everything there has weird, Sweedish names.

Trying to take him out of his car seat when we got home from that's shop till you drop right there!

Kolbe brought me these from the backyard a few days ago because "girls like to get flowers." True, son, but these would be known as weeds.

A few nights ago the boys wanted to set up their train tent. We put it in the front entry way since it's fairly big. Mark and I sat talking in the family room. Kolbe came and told me several times that Rudy was pretending it was a kitchen and was making a pumpking pie. Several minutes later he brought me a wet rag completely covered in some type of seasoning. We rushed to the tent to discover the sight seen above. That would be a can of pumpkin in the top corner, a food scale, a toy tea pot, a can opener, a jar of garlic pepper, and then a paper plate and a can of Rotel in the bottom corner. It's hard to see, but the contents from the garlic pepper are actually spilled on the floor between the can opener and the seasoning bottle. Good times.

We've been outside riding the trucks a lot lately and a few days ago Kolbe decided they "needed some work." He managed to shimmy under there and check things out.

We've got quite the mechanic on our hands! ...Now if only he could fix Dada's car too...

Grant: 7 months as of Tuesday
crawling (awkward, but still mobile nonetheless)
loves making raspberries, chewing on everything, observing his brothers, and mama, mama, and more mama
he's our biggest jumper ever. Mr. Bounce Legs.
2 blue eyes, 2 forehead skeeter bites, 2 chins, 0 teeth, and 0 neck
a growing interest in food beyond mama's milk...though still not sure about the textures
responds to Grant, Grantness, Grundy, Pugsley (yes, like Pugsley Addams), Pugs, Grant Squash (Kolbe made that up and thinks it's  an awesome name), oh and the aforementioned "Grundel." I don't know why we're so big on nicknames....but he still definitely goes by Grant! Ha!

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