Thursday, January 19, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 3

1. This past weekend Mark took the boys on their long promised fishing trip to the pond by my parents' house. Ever since they got their fishing poles for Christmas, they've been itching to go "real fishing" as opposed to simply casting and realin in the attached practice fish around the house. As I sent them off on Saturday morning I thought they'd either be back within an hour or gone for a long time. Lucky me, it was the later! Despite the fact that the first pond they went to had no fish to be found, they stuck with it and went to another pond and had much more success. My dad met up with them along the way and from all of the stories I've heard, they had a blast. What little boy doesn't love to fish!?! And all I've heard since then has been "Mama, when is Dada taking us fishing again?" Guess we'll have to make it a more frequent occurrence. And considering I got a lot of work, a fair amount of cleaning, and a tiny bit of rest in while they were gone, I know I certainly won't be complaining!

2. If you happened to look over my bucket list for 2012, you might have noticed that I aspire to make curtains for several rooms in our house by the end of the year. As of this week, I may have already cheated just a bit on that one. How could I help myself when Pottery Barn sent me an email on Monday saying everything on their site for that one day would ship for free? It just begged for me to at least check out what I could find on there. Especially since my house in my dreams looks similar to every picture from the pages of the Pottery Barn catalogs. Sure enough, the drapes I had previously pinned on pinterest were not only still there and available, but on sale as well. Like more-than-half-off sale. Really, I could make drapes at that level of quality for the price. After debating for a while, I ran up to our local Pottery Barn to see if they had a sample of the drapes available. (Thanks, Mom, for meeting me there so I didn't have to take all three boys in alone! I'm sure we would have walked out with a purchase of some sort of broken item had I attempted that feat.) We'll see how the drapes they look when the show up. And if I don't like them, I guess that's just a sign that I need to suck it up and actually make them! I'll keep you posted.

3. I'm pretty sure that Grant is teething. No festering blistered gums just yet. Only a randomly fussy, constantly waking, chewing on everything little guy. Why is it so easy to forget the tough aspects of raising little ones sometimes? I've been thinking back to when Kolbe and Reagan were teething and it made me realize that we pretty much went through a good year or more straight with teething in our house. It started around the time Kolbe was seven months old and since Reagan was born when Kolbe was just fifteen months, his started before Kolbe's was totally finished. We've had a nice solid break for a good year and in that time I managed to forget the woes that accompany the event. And I suppose I had also gotten spoiled by Grant sleeping so well at night. Now that he's up several times, wailing...and not due to hunger, and struggling to fall back to sleep, I'm one tired mama a lot of the time. I'm not a coffee drinker. Maybe I should abandon "drink more water" on my list and add "learn to enjoy coffee."

Two handsome brothers getting ready for their fishing trip!

They've got all their gear packed up...

After a successful day of fishing, every good fisherman needs his rest.

Mama and her big boys

Pinkie and Kolbe (outside of Pottery Barn)

Sitting up all on his own!

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