Friday, May 10, 2013

TTT: Season 3, Episode 18/19

1. I guess I have two weeks worth to report on. It's been a fun few weeks! Right on the cusp of summer. And we can't wait! I think over the years May has become one of my favorite months. As a child, the end of the school year is always awesome. Then in college, making it through finals and finally freedom! Now with kiddos, just dreaming up all the fun we'll have this summer makes May such a joy. And really, around these parts it's the last month of "good weather." We'll be back to strictly indoors or pool bound within a few weeks. But for now, May is long walks and scooter rides, endless trips to the park, picnics or evenings at the waterway, and the occasional locking of the boys in the backyard while I attempt to not lose my sanity. (Really, it works wonders while attempting to sweep and mop the kitchen floor. I can see them playing, yet they can't destroy my progress!) We had our last soccer game last weekend and Kolbe has just two weeks of pre-school left. And best of all, our beach trip is just one week away. I swear I can close my eyes, smell the salt water, hear the breeze, and feel the sand beneath my feet. I say this every year and still believe it to be true...I'm closer to God when I'm at the beach.

2. My brother, Andy, and sister-in-law, Abby are in the process of moving from San Antonio to Brenham where Andy just landed a new job. They brought their two little nuggets over last weekend to spend the week at Pinkie and Pa's house while Abby finishes out her job in San Antonio and Andy begins his in Brenham. So we've had plenty of fun with cousins! In fact, I got a rare glimpse into the insanity that some people faced daily when I watched all five boys Wednesday afternoon. The line up was as follows: Kolbe, 5, Rudy, 4, John, 3 (in a few days), Grant, almost 2, and Will, 1. At one point I lined up the three diaper bound boys and did a triple diaper change. Snacks for five? No problem. Heck, the majority of the time that we were inside went fairly smoothly. But really, how does one with five kids ages five and under ever leave the house!?! Like mothers of multiples? I'm sure it would have to be a learned skill. I attempted to take the circus into the front yard to ride bikes/scooters/cars but it was a very short lived journey. Kolbe and Rudy are capable of following rules without being instructed so they weren't much to worry about. Until one of them let the two dogs out of the backyard. And while I herded the dogs, my permanent flight risk, Grant, made his way up the hill toward the park behind my parents' house. After chasing him down,  I returned to find a missing John. Who showed up seconds later hiding in the greenery by my parents' front door. Thankfully, the baby, Will, is content to just sit peacefully in his little car and take in the insanity. Needless to say, I corralled the chaos as quickly as possible and got them back within the confines of the backyard. Even there, I found myself doing head counts every few minutes. I gotta say, I had a lot of fun with the gang. And my hat is now forever off to parents of mega-multiples or any combination of five under six.

3. Tantrums, Treasures, and Tidbits
- I've unintentionally lost three pounds since my gallbladder surgery. Guess the doc took me seriously when I told him to hook me up with a little lipo while he was in there. (just kidding...though I did think about asking! I've got a beach to go to in a few weeks, people!)
- Grant is starting to talk up a storm. Kolb and Ru didn't talk much until after two so this is "early" for Grant. His crazy smart...and well, just crazy all around. He's so fun to watch, but I have to admit, I'm having issues with his impending birthday. He's lost roughly 95% of his baby-ness...and that official "2" will just put it over the edge. Bah.
- I had the most awesome conversation with Kolbe this evening:
Kolbe: Hey Mom, Gavin in my class, his last name is Flodez.
Me: Flores?
Kolbe: No, Flodez.
Me: Are you sure it's not Flores? (with rolling 'r')
Kolbe: Yeah, Flodez.

Sigh. My poor, Texan, white boys. We need Aunt Cristi to throw us a summer Spanish camp!

Earning their soccer medals at our end-of-the-season party.
I didnt' get any good pictures of Ru, but he finally scored a goal! And Kolbe was up to his usual skills. We were very proud of how defensive minded he became this season. He's every bit as in to stopping the other team as he is into scoring.
Adorable little soccer buddies.
Picnic time at the waterway!
His face will almost always tell you if he's up to any good or not.
Soccer with Dada.
Leads to soccer ball in the water. (yes, the eventually fished it out.)
Fun night on the waterway!
Ended by a race down the commons greens by all the guys...with a gorgeous sunset!

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