Thursday, November 24, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 46

1. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope your day is being spent with people you love...and food you love to eat! That's the plan at our house. And yes, I did manage to get everything done in time. Though I did just get a glimpse of the ceiling fan in the kitchen and it's sporting some pretty good dust on the edges. Oops. But everything else. All the outstanding orders from the shop that I needed to fill. All the deep-down cleaning that hadn't been done in weeks months, and even the painting of the boys' bathroom that I promised myself I'd have done by Thanksgiving when we moved in back in May. Like they say, there's no motivator quite like a deadline. And I was determined not to let that one slide. Though I'm nearly one hundred percent sure that no one would have cared other than me. Actually I'm pretty sure that no one even notices other than me. 'Cause really, it's only me that gets disappointed when I don't actually accomplish something I set my mind to. Maybe that's something I should put on the new year's resolution list of things to deal with in the near future. And no, I didn't paint it while the boys sat, watched, and inhaled the paint fumes. So thanks to my parents for taking them for a good chunk of time while I got that done! And now back to my previously laid back, non-hectic life. Oh, wait. Christmas is in just thirty-one days.

2. My boys have been cracking me up lately. Especially that Rudy boy. Man, has he been getting clever on me! We've always know that there's a lot going on in that brain of his, but some of the stuff that's starting to come out is just hilarious! A few nights ago, I made lasagna for dinner. After cutting it up into little bites on his plate, he asked, "Mama, what are we eating tonight?" To which I responded in a dramatic singing voice: "Green beans and lasaaaaaaaagna!" His response? "Lasagna in the hi-ighest!" I'm sure anyone reading that's Catholic knows exactly what song he was singing. And even some non-Catholics could identify a good "Hosanna in the highest!" This was just days after his awesome lunch time response after prayers. Every now and then we say the ol' "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food" prayer. He ended it with: "Mama, we aren't having yettuce for yunch. Yettuce is in salad." Sheesh.

3. Wanna know what I'm thankful for this year?
-God's presence and guidance in our family and our home
- my amazing husband
- my beautiful children
- our house
- being gainfully employed
- family
- friends, near and far
- the safe delivery of our third baby
- our health
- all the overwhelming support of our loved ones
- laughter
- the success of my little business
- all of the many, many blessings we have received over the past year. We are far more blessed than I can ever imagine us being worthy of. I pray God knows how grateful we are. And that we might spend the next year living as though we truly are thankful.

Yep. Painted the bathroom. And finally broke out the new shower curtain I bought on clearance months ago.

Kolbe got a new guitar for his birthday with the gift card that Papa Jeep sent him. A nice replacement since Dada accidentally snapped his old guitar while putting the stroller in the trunk a while back. Kolbe loves listening to Mark play and trying to imitate him. I think it's precious.

Grant has been sleeping in our room since he was born, but lately neither he nor I have been getting much sleep. So last week in the middle of the night after a second waking, I tried putting him upstairs in his crib. He slept in until 8! I could hear him cooing up there and told Kolbe to run up and check on him while I finished cleaning up the dishes. When he didn't return a few minutes later, I went upstairs and found this.

Speaking of the not-so-little guy...he's officially rolling over now! Though I got a kick out of this the other day. I laid him down while I was running the vacuum...apparently he got his hips turned over, decided he was comfy, and just called it a day right there.

Last Friday, the boys and I had fun making Thanksgiving turkeys. Fun with toilet paper rolls, paper bowls, and paint chips from Home Depot!

My mom officially managed to get Grant's stocking done before leaving on her Thanksgiving trip to Boise. I seriously don't see how she does these. By hand! I'd give up a few stitches in. I just don't have the patience. But she sure does know how to make them look beautiful. All the detailed stitching and beading on Grant's is just amazing! Looking forward to adding it to our collection when we put up our Christmas decorations...hopefully this week! 

1 comment:

Jessim said...

Lasagna in the highest has me cracking up!

Happy Thanksgiving