Saturday, November 26, 2011

Halloween 2011

Only a good three plus weeks late! But getting it archived nonetheless...

We had such a fun Halloween this year! It was for sure the first year that Kolbe really understood the whole idea of trick-or-treating. And we had several activities to attend so I was excited that the boys got to wear their costumes more than once. (You know, since I spent hours slaving over them...ha!...really, they're cut up t-shirts and sweat pants from Walmart) As big fans of Snow White, the boys decided they wanted to go as dwarfs. Kolbe chose Doc because he wanted to wear his St. Maximillian Kolbe glasses from last year. And because Grumpy wears red like Doc and Rudy wants to be just like Kolbe in every way, Rudy chose Grumpy. Grant went as Dopey by default as I was not interested in messing with making a beard for him and Dopey is the only beardless dwarf! Also, it was fun to see lots of trick-or-treaters come by our house this year. I'm not sure why...maybe because all the churches have so many activities?...but in Lubbock we rarely ever had any trick-or-treaters come by our house. Here it was the exact opposite! Tons of cute little kiddies coming by for candy. And the weather was just right for all of the festivities. Lots of fun!

Two weekends before Halloween we went to a church Halloween Party held at a local park. Because it was pretty hot outside, the hats and beards were abandoned within a few minutes of arriving. So they ran around looking like Santa Claus for the rest of the day.

Love my little handsome guy

With a blue face from a snow cone we shared!

This one isn't too hard to look at either!

Ah, guess we'll throw Mister Blue Eyes in there too!

He watched everything from his stroller.

We should have attempted this pic when we arrived...not as we were leaving! They were not interested in posing!

A few days later I took the boys to a retirement home to take treats to the residents. They did so well! A lot of the other kids there were afraid but these guys did great.

The day before Thanksgiving we spent at the zoo (my camera battery died so we have very few pics of that). When we got home that night we were pretty beat but we squeezed in a little time to carve our pumpkin and roast some pumpkin seeds.

He turned out pretty cute!


Cutest Dopey ever!

Posing for pictures at Pinkie and Pa's house. Afterwards we hit up most of their street where we made lots of friends while living there prior to closing on our house and then headed back to our neighborhood for even more fun. A great night for these excited little guys!!!