Thursday, October 6, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 39

1. Do you ever have one of those weeks where no matter how much you plan, things just don't seem to go smoothly? That's how this past week has been for me. As professed many times over, I'm an ultimate list maker. Something about having that sheet of paper dictating everything that I hope to achieve in a week/day/naptime makes me feel so in control. And oh, the satisfaction of scratching something off! (and yes, I still continue add things to the list even after they're completed just so I can scratch them off. You know, just so I can remind myself when looking at the list at the end of the day that I somehow achieved all of that!) But every now and then I'll have a string of days where I'll literally get to the end of the day and have maybe two of twelve things crossed off. Not for lack of effort, but just because everything has gone completely opposite of "the plan." Something pops up, an "issue" arises, and the whole day is off track. The problem that I have isn't so much that things that I wanted to do didn't get done. It's the way I let the whole derailment affect me. Why should I have anxiety when I get to the end of the day and my to-do list is just as long as it was when the day started? I've literally caught myself feeling like the world might come to end because menial tasks are starting to pile up. It's something I really want to work on within myself. And it takes me back to Philippians 4:6:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I need to let go of the idea that things have to run smoothly, and simply be thankful that I have "things to run" in the first place. I'm far more blessed than I give God thanks for.

2. As a mom, I'm constantly torn between wanting to be there for my family 100% of the time and the need to take a break. It's that feeling when Mark takes the boys to do something and I'm left all alone and all I think about is them. Really, it's just the discerning process of whether I should go one way or the other that gets me some times. Case in point, this past weekend we had a wonderful opportunity to go out into the country and spend some time at my uncle's ranch near Leona, TX. The original plan was for Mark to take the boys and for me to stay behind with Grant. It would have racked me up about six or seven hours to spend alone and with my baby. I even had grand aspirations of painting the boys' bathroom while Grant slept. But something about the dynamic within our family on Saturday morning left me feeling like I needed to go with them. So I did. And man, was I so glad that I made that choice. We had a wonderful time together. Spending time in nature, listening to silence, just being away from the hustle and bustle of the real world. Something about being out in nature...where you can't see any form of civilization at all...makes me feel like it's just me and God. Even if only for a few moments. It's like you're able to let go everything else that's clouding your mind (like the aforementioned to-do lists) and just be. And there's something spectacular about watching the children enjoy it too. Witnessing their little cheeks get dirty. Cheering as they reel in a fish. Seeing their fascination as horses eat grass from their hands. I know we're by no means country-folk, but I wouldn't say we're big city people either. But having a little bit of both sure is nice. And finding God in places other than church and prayer never disappoints either! Somehow, the break that I sacrificed to be with my family ended up being just the break I needed.

3. Is it getting cooler where you are? I skipped across the news this morning and saw massive snow storms up north. Still ninety here. I will admit that it has been a little bit cooler. A little bit. Like the AC kicks on at nine instead of running through the night. And we've even had a few mornings in the fifties. (by "morning" I mean prior to seven a.m.) I'm still looking forward to warm (ok, light-weight) sweaters, cute boots, and trendy scarves without breaking out in a full on sweat. Maybe by this time next month? With the slightly lower temps it has been nice to be able to get outside in the afternoon and evenings and finally mingle with some of our neighbors. When we first moved in (just as the temperatures were heading north), all of our new neighbors greeted us with promises of block parties, loads of kids riding bikes and playing in the streets, and friendly conversations till the sun went down. With the summer we've had, absolutely none of that has taken place in the four months we've lived here. Even walking down to the mailbox has been cause for a shower. But now we're finally starting to see it. The bus stops by around four and from then on there's bound to be someone out and about. Just how we hoped it would be when we moved to this neighborhood.

Little Grant turned 100 days old this week! We have a little family tradition where my Mom makes them a card filled with 100 decorations to celebrate each day. And for my kids, who are born about a month early, I think it's an extra special celebration because it's roughly one year from when their life actually began.

Doesn't Grant's face crack you up!?! "Get me outta here!" Sorry, kiddo, you're stuck with the these two for life!

Fishing with Uncle Kirk and Aunt Cathy

Nice catch!

Nothing beats a Texas sunset

Yikes! (shopping at Walmart with Dada...couldn't pass up the Halloween wigs!)


Stephanie said...

Oh gosh I totally get the list thing. I do the same thing! And Phillipians 4:6 is one of my favorites, I think I need it on a wall decal or coffee mug or something!

Jessim said...

Snow? Oh goodness, I hope that stays away from here! It has been a beautiful mid 80s :)

It is definitely fall though, the leaves are dropping all over the place.