Thursday, September 8, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 35

1. As expected, we had a fantastic time in Lubbock. The kind of time that makes us wish we could pick up our house here in The Woodlands and move back. Not that we did oodles of fun activities or anything (other than getting our sweet boy baptized!). It was just the people that made it so special. We miss everyone so much! Let's face it: we are still struggling to meet people here, and in Lubbock, we're still somebody! Of course, we're not crazy enough to think that it will always stay that way; three of our closest families of friends will be moving off in the next couple of years. But right now, at least for this visit, it still felt like home. And it was hard to come back to The Woodlands and the daily grind. Mark and I keep telling each other to give The Woodlands a fair shot...that it just needs a little more hopefully we're right. I remember growing up as an Air Force child that it always took a good year to fully feel comfortable with a new place. We've been in The Woodlands for almost six months so we're nearly halfway there. True, we're a little homesick, but we'll keep praying for the best.

2. So our trip was wonderful. But that's not say it wasn't fraught with shenanigans of one kind or another. Any time you get a two-year-old and a three-year-old in a non-stop-doted-upon setting, there's bound to be a little chaos! The boys soaked up all of the attention and had a blast. But it's crazy how just a few days of being the center of attention somehow leads a little one to develop a sense of entitlement faster than you can say "real chocolate milk" or "fruit snacks before breakfast." And foolishly I thought that this trip was a vacation for me too! While yes, I did have lots of fun, tons of good food, and plenty of conversation with people I love, the truth must be told: "Vacations" are essentially taking my everyday job on the road. Yes, there are many more eyes and hands to help take care of that part is vacation-esque...but just the responsibilities, needs, and issues are all the same. Someone always has to go the bathroom, cups need to be re-filled, and naps must be taken. So it's time for a little-

Note to Self: Vacation Edition

- You are on vacation. Someone will get sick or hurt. Pack every kiddie medicine, chest rub, nose sucker, and bandage you own.

- If going to visit family or friends, it's your world in their world. Not everyone goes to bed by 9:30 or 10:00 and you won't be either. You'll be sitting up, talking, visiting, and chasing excited, eavesdropping toddlers back to bed. But your kids will still be up by 6:30 the next morning.

- Due to said item noted above, the nap time that no one else observes will be all the more important. And all the more difficult to enforce. And definitely not implemented at it's normal time.

- Don't even consider packing that stack of magazines that's been piling up on your nightstand. Your hours at your destination will be completely filled and your time spent in the car will be non-stop answering questions, wiping noses, pulling over for potty breaks, handing out snacks, and reaching for that dropped toy one more time. What's the point in having to read the same paragraph four times!?!

- Driving at night while the kids are asleep is always better than during the day. At least during the toddler years. If at all possible, find a way to get some of the driving done during night time sleeping hours. Two words: caged animals.

- Speaking of vehicles, if any of your children have had "an accident" in the past month, force them to wear a diaper or pull up while in the car. Yet another law of nature: if you are on a road trip, he will have an accident in his car seat.

I'm sure there's more. I'll update after our next roadie in December.

3. On this day twenty-eight short years ago, something wonderful happened. A perfect little boy was born into this world to two very blessed people. Twenty-one years later his path met with mine and is now the same. I can't imagine who I'd be today without this momentous occasion. Certainly not all that I am now. And so it's a great day to celebrate and say Happy Birthday to my love, my husband Mark.

after grant's baptism

the boys were crashed on our ride home within 45 min of being in the car

they slept till lunch time!

But this guy was all smiles! Flirting with Mama in the back seat!

Have I mentioned how affectionate Rudy is with Grant? When we say "touchy feely" we mean it literally. He loves to rub his face on Grant's head. Not sure if it's the baby soft skin or the fine, fuzzy hair. Either way, he loves it and does it ALL the time!

Ahhh! Fresh air! The weather has finally cooled down some least late at night and in the early morning. Perfect for opening the windows and letting a little cool air in.

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