Thursday, August 11, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 31

It's another tidbit kind of week, 'cause well, it's three in the afternoon and I just now managed to get all three boys asleep. And Grant will probably be stirring any minute now. It's been a pretty good week--busy and fun. Two of my brothers, Andy and Dave, and my nephew John all came to town for a visit and we've spend most of the past three days hanging out with them. And this morning Kolbs had a dental appointment. But anyway, here's some randomness from the week:

- I didn't grow up around my cousins. Being from an Air Force family, we never lived in the same city as any of them so it wasn't really an option. Of course, we all had a blast together over holidays and summer vacations, but weren't like "real life" friends until we were in college together.  Seeing John and the boys together this weekend kind of made me wish that they could all grow up close together. Considering three of my brothers are military, I don't suppose that will happen. But I guess it will make me cherish the times they are together that much more.

- I miss my brothers. A lot.
Even though they aren't sisters and we don't share our deepest in-most thoughts together, there's something about me that feels more me when I'm with them.

- I would love nothing more than for Kolbe, Reagan, and Grant to feel that way about each other some day.

- I think I finally have my act pulled together (somewhat) for starting up "school" next week. Kolbe still has two years before he's kindergarten age and Rudy has three, but they both are so eager to learn so much. And it makes me feel good to be the one teaching it to them. Grant is just trying to figure out where all the noise is coming from.

- Am I the only one who gets the compulsive urge to buy, buy, buy every time I walk past all the back to school items in practically every single store!?! Maybe it's the teacher in me. Or the fact that I really loved being a student and going to school. Seriously, I see that pack of ninety-six crayons and just have to pick it up to see if it still comes with a sharpener on the back. And a pack of four gluesticks for twenty-five cents!?! Who cares if we already have forty-seven at home. Surely I can come up with something for four more...

- Have any of you gone to see The Help yet? I want to see it so bad! I really think it's right up my alley. Having grown up in Mississippi, I have a feeling it's much about truths I learned and have known for a long time, that I wish that so many others would see too. I think my mom and I are going to attempt it next week some time, and until then, she picked me up a copy of the book. I've been told it's better to read it before you see it.

- Nearly seven weeks and multiple rounds of medication later, I think I'm finally starting to  feel better with all the nursing shenanigans. I almost wince as I type this 'cause no sooner than I hit the word "publish," I'll turn around with a raging fever and chills again. Let's hope and pray not. I actually nursed Grant an hour or so ago and it didn't hurt much beyond mild irritation before, during, or after. Finally.

My dad made a comment about how much this picture of Grant looks like a little baby Winston Churchill. He busted out this book with Churchill on the cover and we were hysterical!

Cousins! Don't you just want to add captions to this!?!
Kolbe: Fine! Cheeeeeeeeese!
Rudy: Where am I?
John: I can't believe you made me do this, Dad.
Grant: Whaaaaaaaaaaa!

While all of the boys' uncles are special in their own way, they truly have a soft spot for Uncle Dave. I think they love how he's willing to get down on their level and actually engage in what they want him to do for more than just a few minutes. Kind of like a grandparent, but an uncle. He sprawled out on the floor with them and watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame from start to finish.

Chubs! I took Grant for a six-week weigh-in on Tuesday. Eleven pounds and two ounces. When we left the hospital he was six/fourteen so that's over four pounds in six weeks. I'd say he's doing pretty well!

Having fun at the mall playground together!

After tons of lupus flare ups from carrying Rudy in a traditional infant car seat a few years ago, and realizing that while out in public I would need two usable hands for two curious little boys, I decided that I would just start Grant out in his full-size convertible car seat from the get-go and skip the infant seat all together. In lieu of that, I invested in a nice new carrier that's great on my back, super functional, and quick/easy to use. So far I haven't regretted my decision at all. And I can't help but melt over precious little moments like this. Just hanging on for the ride, Mom!

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