2. The boys are continuing to do so well with their new baby brother. And attempting to be patient with Mama and the constant nursing. I can definitely tell that they're ready for some structure again, so I've been attempting to get ready to start "school" back up. Hopefully by next week, but don't hold me to it! Despite the fact that Grant isn't on much of a routine, the bigger boys certainly thrive on having one and I feel like I owe it to them. Not only that, but it improves their behavior, attitude, and overall mood which is certainly a bonus for me! And speaking of bonus, Rudy continues to do so well with the potty. How did I get off without having to potty train my child!?! I'll take it as a little (ok, big!) gift from God for this weary mama! He has had literally no accidents at all...as if he knew how to do it all along and just wasn't doing it. BUT...of course there's a but...the night time thing has turned into a total fiasco. We cut off liquids after dinner time and have him go to the bathroom at least three times before bed. But that hasn't stopped him from getting up multiple times to go to the bathroom throughout the night. Even if it's just a few drops. It's like he's so conscious about going on the potty that the second a drop reaches his bladder, he has to go! And if he wakes to go anywhere near morning time (say 5:00am or later) going back to sleep is out of the question. So as if waking to feed the baby frequently wasn't exhausting enough, we've got Rudy getting up throughout the night too. Ugh. I certainly don't want to discourage him, 'cause heck, I'm getting off easy here! But I'm definitely praying that the intensity of his zest for all things bathroom will mild out a little or that he'll take to going on his own like I've tried to encourage. (Yeah right...go potty, get your pants pulled back up on your own, get back in bed and go back to sleep on your own....I don't see him managing this any time soon considering he still needs me to go with him to help him out during the wakeful hours of the day!) Still...pretty awesome kid!
3. Speaking of those two turkeys, I thought I'd share each of their most laughable/what!?! quotes of the week:
Kolbe and I were sitting with Rudy and and working on boy/girl questions with him. (Pinkie...is she a boy or a girl? Dada...boy or girl?) About a year or so ago when I asked Kolbe what girls have that boys don't have his answer was "ponytails." Assuming he felt the same way, I thought I'd pose the same question:
Me: Kolbe, tell Rudy what girls have that boys don't have.
Kolbe: Um, I think a uterus.
WHAT!?! I guess you can tell he's A) been around a lady who was recently pregnant and delivered a baby way too much and B) lives with a medical professional who speaks to said lady in medical terminology. So much for "When Grant was in my belly..." We're going straight for the real terms here!
A few days ago we had a box of donuts at the house. (Real nutritious, I know!) After I put the boys down for their naps I gave into temptation and snuck a bite of one after polishing off my not-as-scrumptious cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. Rudy started calling for me from upstairs so I went up to see what was going on:
Me: Rudy, lay down please. You need to take a nap.
Rudy: Mama, lay with me.
Me: I'll lay by you for just a minute 'cause Mama needs to go take her nap too. (I lay down and give him a kiss)
Rudy: Mama, guess what?
Me: What?
Rudy: I smell donuts.
Busted!!! I was hysterical and eventually had to get up and leave the room before I got them too riled up! Silly kid!
And here's the weekly pics!...
Yummy summer snack...apples and caramel! |
Yum, yum! |
Just like Dada! |
playing with shaving cream in the backyard |
I shared this one on facebook earlier this week, but who can resist seeing it again!?! My little sweet face! |
HAHAHAHAHA, that "uterus" quote sounds so much like Molly. We're a very pregnant/nursing/pro-life/NFP household around here...and she has very astute little ears. :) Wish those two could play together again!
Omigosh, you are such a trooper with the nursing!! I had a hard time of it for a little while as well - but just bc Maddy kept biting me and I couldn't get it to heal. Now it's time to work on the latch so it doesn't happen again!
Good luck with all the boys! It sounds like you are having a great time with them!
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