Friday, April 8, 2011

TTT: season 2, episode 14--- FIVE THOUGHT FRIDAY!!!

1. It's official: yesterday was my first lapse of three thought Thursday since it started over a year ago. But I said at the beginning of this year-- no guarantees. So glad I went with that disclaimer. So I thought we'd go with five thought Friday. Two bonus thoughts, but all five shorter than my usual rants. Why? I'm typing this on a dadgum iPhone while sitting in an airport terminal for a longer-than-necessary amount of time. The saying "I'm all thumbs" will have to suffice to explain any typos. Really. As I type, it's all thumbs. 

2. Another safe explanation for any typos is that I'm writing this using only one eye. No, I didn't have to give one up at the closing on our Lubbock house (though I'm convinced that may have been easier...). Wednesday was fine. Busy packing with two nice mayflower movers. Thursday I spent watching four strapping lads disassemble our house and load it all onto a truck, while a nagging pain developed in my eye.  By dinner time, it was swollen, painful, and gross. By this morning it was swollen completely shut. So I went to my closing looking like a major creepo. "No, I'm not weeping over the sale of my home though it does both excite and sadden me. And no, it's not even because I'm having to sign 'Mark Dwayne Asmussen by my agent and attorney-in-fact Laura Ellen Asmussen' every single time I sign my own name to a document." I spent the hour and half after the closing not celebrating but having a doctor examine and treat my grossly infected sty. You know, sometimes I look at the always daily shenanigans I encounter and just ask WHY!?! This thing is painful. And gross. And annoying! Ugh. Goodbye, Lubbock. Thanks for the sweet dust storm that I'm CERTAIN caused this!!!

3. I'm sure you've gathered from #1 and #2 that we did, in fact, sell our Lubbock house. Done deal. Off the books. One MAJOR thing out of the way. One less list of issues, one less realtor, one less major responsibility. Ahhhhh. 

4. here's the deal with the bonus thoughts: to get the GOOD, juicy details, you're going to have to come back next week. They're just too good to limit to a thumb-typed, iPhone written explanation with limited verbiage. They both deserve the best, most over the top flowery words that I could possibly come up with. Especially #5.

But we are on #4. 

Right in the middle of the chaos of packers, movers, closing, leaving my babies and husband for three days...We got a house. Not just A house. THE house. The original love house. The one I wrote about on week one of looking that I said was our dream home that we definitely couldn't get now but hopefully, maybe, someday down the road. THAT one. Like I said, it needs many more words to describe how and why. But who'd have thought that 'someday' would be just a few weeks and not years and years!?! My heart skips a beat, I tell you. 

5. There are two people who I love who are as dear to my heart as my own family. Two people who are Mark and my best good friends (as Forrest Gump would say.) Two people who are the kind of friends you have in high school that you are inseparable from, though we only met as grown, married adults. Two people who, to me, deserve the world. Two people who have been very, very blessed for many years though we've spent these past few praying most especially for one certain blessing. Two people who, after tonight, just might receive that gift.

My heart is so fully overjoyed.

1 comment:

Mika said...

Well done. I can't wait til next week! Since you were a day late this week, maybe you can be a day early next week. :)