Thursday, October 18, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 42

1. I'm burning the candle at both ends right now! We leave tomorrow around lunch time for Austin to attend my cousin Audry's wedding. As I mentioned last week, Rudy is going to be the ring bearer and he's so excited for his moment in the lime light! Just as how life typically behaves prior to any form of traveling, there's been a massive snowball effect taking place across all aspects of life around here. And though my mind has typed out my packing list, not a stitch has been pulled from the drawers. Heck, the suitcases aren't even out yet. Tomorrow morning promises to be a madhouse. But I have to say, I can't wait for the wedding! It's been a long time since I've seen my mom's side of the family all in one place. (I missed the huge family reunion the took place just days after Grant was born last summer.) Considering the family is so massive, there's never a dull moment and it's a blast getting to have fun and catch up with everyone. But back to Rudy....Be still, my heart!

Really!?! He's literally the cutest little man to ever wear a tux. And actually, I'm quite fond of knowing he's mine! (this adverb-happy caption is just for you, Mom and Dad! ;)

2. One huge component to the snowball effect taking place around here is definitely the whole sewing machine transition. In fact, I'd consider it to be the avalanche. Not sure if I've ever explained this on here before, but I run on a one week timeline for my shop. So if a customer places an order on Thursday, it will ship by the following Thursday. Usually, it's fairly easy for me to keep up with this schedule. But when you spend two full nap times shopping for a new sewing machine instead of filling orders...and this just days before leaving on a weekend trip...well, the rest is history. But alas, I do have an awesome new sewing and embroidery machine sitting up on my sewing table. I ended up spending way more than I imagined, but I think in the end I'm going to be glad that I did. And heck, she'll pay for herself quickly. I'd classify her as a dream machine. At least for what I'm needing right now. Just a few days in and I'm already in love!

The boys are fascinated by how the machine can sew "all by itself!"

3. Running errands with all three boys isn't easy. A four-year-old, a three-year-old, a one-year-old, a shopping cart, a list, a crowd. There are many, many variables. But lately, it has seemed like errand running with the monkeys hasn't been too bad. The older two have developed an understanding of how to act and how to help mom. But then there's Grant. He's certainly the most spirited of the bunch right now. We set out to run a bunch of errands yesterday beginning with Rudy's tux fitting. Since I knew I'd need both arms free to dress Rudy, I strapped him in the stroller. All was well for the first ten minutes. But not so much by minute forty-five when our salesman had wandered off to help another customer, Rudy and Kolbe were entertaining themselves in the mirror tunnel, and I was doing my best to avoid letting curse words slip from my mouth. Grant was in full on caged animal mode, and though I took him out of the stroller for a bit while we waited, his goal in life was to run wild in the Men's Wearhouse. I felt like I needed an alcoholic beverage by the time I left the place. Our next stop was Target. I convinced myself that maybe if I bought a pretzel to share with the boys, they'd be really well behaved while I raced through and grabbed what I needed for our trip. Luckily, this was true for the older two. But again, then there's Grant. He has figured out how to stand up in shopping carts. Even when strapped in. Why can't they make them with five point harnesses!?! So being the desperate mom that I was, I put him in the bin part of the shopping car and just decided to walk along side of it so I could hold on to him. Despite my efforts, he just had to have that last chunk of pretzel in Kolbe's hand. He went for a forward somersault move in an attempt to get it. Yes, with my ninja-like mom skills, I did catch him prior to hitting the ground. But not without incurring the wound below. And that's just half of it. The top of my foot has two similar gashes along with bruising. I'm going to go ahead and nominate myself for the first person to come out of her shoes on the dance floor at the wedding this weekend. And as for the errand trip...Grant went straight to nap time when we got home. It was for his own safety.

Part of Mama's boo-boos

Ahh. I nice, peaceful picture of the boys reading books with Dada. Wish the whole week had been this calm!

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