Thursday, September 13, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 37

1. Mark's 29th birthday was this past weekend. Twenty-nine....such a young pup! ;) Months ago I decided I wanted to set up a little surprise birthday weekend for him. He's constantly making comments like "Let's get out of here, Mama." Or "I just need to get away for a day or two." And I know that there are certainly stretches of time where we go months without doing anything just the two of us. Since Mark is rarely one to ask for something specific for a gift, I figured planning a little getaway for just the two of us would be the perfect gift. Originally I planned on it being a surprise but then I decided that it would be kind of cruel to just up and leave the boys for a full day without giving them a heads up. Anyhow, we didn't travel far...just went to a nice hotel in Houston for the night down by the Galleria and spent the day shopping, eating good food, and enjoying each other's company. My parents watched the boys for us for twenty-four (short in our eyes, long in theirs) hours. It was my first time to leave Grant for a night and he allegedly did just fine. While we didn't come home with many purchases, we definitely did have a good time together and followed our trip up with a little at-home cake and ice cream so the boys could be in on Dada's birthday too.

2. Last week was Kolbe's first day of "pre-school." This week was Kolbe's first week of soccer practice! It's been lots of exciting first for this guy lately, and so far, the transitions have gone pretty smoothly. We've talked about signing Kolbe up for sports for a while but just haven't completely follow through. We didn't want to do it unless he was truly interested and wanting to play. (Nobody wants the kid on his team who is being forced to be there by his over-driven parents.) Recently, our neighbor brought over a set of soccer cleats in Kolbe's size. Her son only wore them once or twice before realizing he needed a bigger size so they were in fantastic condition. Kolbe instantly became hooked on the cleats and wanted to wear them everywhere. After begging and begging, we went ahead and signed him up for the fall soccer season. We all headed out as a family on Tuesday night to witness his first practice. It was entertaining to say the least! Kolbe is a natural at dribbling and kicking with the ball on his own. Not so much when other kids are competing for the same ball! And his team is quite the crew of four to five-year-olds. Everything from the kid who sat on the sideline and refused to practice, to the kid with the mom who stood beside him out on the field the whole time, to the kid who ran around chasing fireflies while his grandma ran after him with a cane shouting, "You get your butt back over there and pay attention!" None of them get the concept of staying in bounds or which goal they're supposed to go for, but I guess they've got to start learning at some point in time. Their first game is on Saturday and should be just as comical.

3. Tidbits:
- My sweet uncle, Don, passed away this week after a long battle with Alzheimer's. Such a kind, gentle soul, he was greatly loved by our family and we're so happy that he no longer has to suffer and can rest in God's love.
- I had another doctor's appointment with my lupus doctor today. About a month ago I thought I had what was an ingrown finger nail. It felt just like an ingrown toe nail but on my left index finger though it never got infected like how toes do. I didn't even mention it to my doctor today but during his exam he noticed the damage to my finger from it and said I had actually experienced a thrombosis (blood clot) in my finger due to my very poor circulation/ Raynaud's. He somehow could identify it just by looking at the purple tissue and detached finger nail. Creepy. I know. Most of you have seen my purple fingers, so it's nothing new, but I hate that I'm starting to develop other issues because of my circulation. Grr.
- With all of the changes going on with Kolbe, Rudy has been the best little boy. One would think he might get jealous of all of the attention Kolbe has been getting but instead he has been genuinely happy for Kolbe and excited and supportive about everything. He's such a sweet, sweet little boy and I can't wait till next year to see all of his firsts. Actually, I can. He needs to stay little Rudy forever.
- I haven't done a Grant update lately...he has his fifteen month appointment in a week or two, so that will be coming shortly, but let me just say that I never, never, never should forget how unpleasant teething is. Especially multiple teeth at a time. And for real, molars should count as like four teeth considering they seem to come in one corner at a time. Sheesh.

Enjoying our Happy-Birthday-Mark Trip!

Helping Dada blow out the candles

Bubble Bath Beard! Or I guess that's more of a goatee.

Mark, Kolbe, and Rudy hit their first high school football game of the fall last Friday. It's their favorite thing to do...Mark loves watching high school football, the boys love taking everything in, and I love the Friday evening break!

Grant is definitely in to blocks right now. He's a pretty good stacker for a fourteen-month-old!

After a few "cooler" mornings, I finally decided to brave the park on Wednesday. Of course, Wednesday decided to be back to full on summer mode. We were all a sweaty mess by the time we got home. 

I love how Grant's hair curls up in the humidity. He loves being outdoors!

Future soccer star!

Future movie star!?! (Ha!)

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