Thursday, February 17, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 7

1. Like I wrote about last week, the whole "moving nine hours away" is quite a tough pill to swallow. Luckily, I've had the whole "getting our house ready to go on the market" to keep me distracted. Ack! I'm exhausted! Typically I love a good home improvement project. It's just that I usually tackle them one at a time and not all at once. Thank goodness for good friends. On Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, we were lucky enough to have people available to watch the boys so Mark and I could attack our to-do list full on. My knees were a lovely shade of brownish-purple after crawling around for five hours on the tile floors painting all the woodwork we have in our entryway and hallway. I don't want to be too picky, but man, it would be marvelous if our next house came pre-painted. I could easily go another ten years or so without picking up another paintbrush.

Ok. I know that's a bit much. 'Cause Lord knows that when we do get a new home, I'm going to have tons and tons of ideas floating through my mind for how to decorate it and of course, paint must be included. (Dear sweet father...yes, that's that's you, Mark K. Hefferly, that I'm talking to...surely you won't let your bound to be largely pregnant daughter do all that painting alone...)

Where was I? Oh yeah. This house. I must say, I've never seen it look so lovely. I've always been emotionally attached to this place. It's the first home I ever bought. It's where our family began. The only home Kolbe and Rudy have ever known. I can say with one hundred percent certainty that I'll cry when I lock the door and drive away for the last time. But I'm glad we made her look pretty for the next owner. And I hope they love her just as much as we have.

She offically went on the market on Tuesday afternoon and has already had two showings. Hopefully that means that she'll sell quickly, but we'll see. I'm not foolish enough to think that selling a house is easy these days. Say prayers for us!

2. In the midst of all the home improvements, meetings with the realtors, photo sessions for our house, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, escaping while people came to look...little Rudy Markie, the birthday boy, had his two year check-up. Wouldn't you know, our little fella is now thirty-four-and-a-half inches tall and weighs twenty-seven pounds! What's more shocking for us is that he's directly at the fiftieth percentile for both categories. I suppose we have gotten so used to seeing Kolbe struggle to even make the chart that it catches us off guard every time we're told that Rudy is not short. Not skinny. Not tiny. Just right down the middle of the road with his cute little football player body. With Dada being on the shorter side, it was easy to assume that all of our kiddos would be short, but hey, I'm five-seven! I'm pretty sure that's on the taller side of things for a girl. We definitely aren't going to have any Uncle Mikeys (6'3") in our crew, but I guess fifty percent isn't too much to ask for!

Oh, and at his appointment we also found out that he has an ear infection. Doh! Yes, I picked up my certificate for Parent of the Year afterward. This was after saying that I had no concerns, no problems, etc. In my own defense, both of the boys had that nasty runny nose/cough type thing going on for about a week. And it really seemed to clear up. But I suppose his little ear decided to hang on to it a bit. No fever. Not particularly fussy. Oh well. Poor little Roo. Soon we'll be back to our regularly scheduled lives (I hope.) and I'll try not to miss things like ear infections.

3. On to the other child. We've got a situation brewing.

Let me just start by professing my love for nap time. I love nap time. It's my one to two hours each day where I can relax and collect myself. It's usually by noon when I'm near breaking point and ready to snap. But that lovely little break just brings me back to my neutral state and ready for the afternoon. Not to mention that it's my time to work on my little sewing business. In fact, I think throwing myself into my sewing is exactly what helps me mellow out. Nap time makes me a better mom for the boys. I need it.

But apparently Kolbe doesn't think that he does anymore. In fact, yesterday he decided to forego his nap all together. Mark and I shrugged and assumed that he would just go to bed early. Nope. He carried on and on and on.

Can I just say that this is unacceptable!?! Uh, hello!!! I'm fixing to have another baby! I need a break! From you, Kolbe Alexander! I love you enough to know that I need a break from you at least once a day. Really, I'll be a better mama for you because of it.

And before all of the advice and suggestions are thrown my way, yes, I know I can inforce a quiet time. Or make him lay in his bed and "rest." The problem right now is, he shares a room with Rudy. So when Rudy is sleeping and Kolbe is in there doing shenanigans, neither one ends up sleeping. And if he does his "quiet time" in any other room in the house, it limits what I can do during my quiet time! Would it be greedy to hope for a game room in our new house!?! You know, some place that I could put the little wild man so he can have quiet time without waking Rudy (or the new baby for that matter) or interfering with my completely necessary break? A mom can only dream.

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