I really have no excuse for not getting our Thanksgiving pictures posted sooner. Maybe I thought that I already had or something. The Asmussen House has pretty much been business as usual...just with lots of Christmas decorating, baking, and Frosty the Snowman reading and watching. (Kolbe got both the Frosty the Snowman book and DVD from Pinkie and Pa and he's obsessed...)
But a few weeks ago, we had a lot of fun celebrating Thanksgiving here in Lubbock. My parents came in on Tuesday and Pat came in on Wednesday evening. We had a great time eating and hanging out over at Abby and Andy's house. There was SO much food that it provided for about a week's worth of leftovers! Here are a few pics:
Roo-Roo flirting with Pinkie
Mom, Dave, and Andy celebrating the not-so-favorite part of Thanksgiving...dishes!
Pinkie, Pa, and their precious pumpkins!
Also, while my parents were in town for Thanksgiving, they took Kolbe on a very special trip...The Polar Express! Unfortunately I didn't send my camera with my parents so the only pics we have are on their camera. Hopefully when my mom comes for the Gaschen Family Christmas this week, I can snag them from her and get them posted. He had a blast!