Tuesday, October 13, 2009

David vs. Goliath...and a new blog!

Oh, the joy of having boys! As Kolbe rapidly approaches two and Reagan steadily becomes more and more of a "real" person (in Kolbe's eyes), it's been interesting (to say the least) to witness their "typical male" interactions. Mark and I have been struggling somewhat to teach Kolbe when it's appropriate and not appropriate to be aggressive. He loves to roll around and wrestle and play boxing with just about anyone who will give him the time of day. A few nights ago we were playing around with both of the boys and letting Reagan practice his boxing skills with Kolbe. Kolbe was getting a kick out of it! Until the end, he finally decided to strike back! Uh-oh! Here's the footage:

And in other news, I have decided to start a new blog! Acutally, I started this blog over a month ago but told myself that I wouldn't let anyone read it until I actually commited to it and managed to get five posts on there. Who wants to check in to a blog that never has any new posts!?! Not me! So I wanted to make sure I was actually going to post on it before I told anyone about it. I think I've been holding back a little bit too because the postings are a little more personal and about my "career" as a mama. (*Laura blushes and hides eyes*) After completing my sixth post this evening, I've finally decided to "publicize" it in hopes that there will be other mamas (and other people too!) that might enjoy reading it. And maybe some who will be able to give me some advice too! If your looking for more pics of Kolb and Reagan, no need to visit. It's mainly just me rambling about motherhood! Check it out, if you feel so inspired! The first posting is at the bottom so it may be a little out of order. Here's the link: www.sohelpmegod3.blogspot.com


Unknown said...

hahahahahaha that is so cool! That a boy Kolbe get ya some! Those are some happy kids there, I can't wait to see y'all, hang out for a day, and finally really get to meet Reagan! Remember, I've only held him once and got to see him for all of about an hour. Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Hahaha, great video! And Brian is right...Mark's face at the end is awesome...but maybe even better than that is Kolbe's face looking at Mark. I believe that is the "Wait, I think I did something wrong" look. Hahaha.